Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Day

The phones aren't ringing quite as much now that Election Day Tuesday has passed. The election wasn't as big a deal to me as it was to the politicians. I voted, but halfheartedly. For too long, they were "here I am here I am here I am" - now it will be me saying Where are you?

I'm reading an interesting book called The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar. Its a book that examines how we make choices. What are the influences that affect how we choose? Did the political ads somehow influence the way I voted? Or was it something else? I'm one of the unemployed so I listened for a while when candidates spoke about jobs, but then I stopped - why did I choose to stop listening? I don't really see the relevance of politics to my need for a job - maybe I need a primer in how politics work - I don't know.

But here is something that I appreciate - the fact that I CAN choose makes me proud to be an American - and that includes the right to choose to vote or not. For that reason alone, I found myself at the local high school filling in my ballot and then proudly wearing the sticker that advertised my choice.

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